Telsonic Ultrasonics DG2000 cavitation erosion test stand


Name of the research unit managing the infrastructure element/Responsible person/Contact details

CCHAPT - Center for Research in Hydraulics, Automation and Thermal Processes

Director: Univ. Prof. Dr. Eng. Doina Frunzăverde

Tel.: (0730) 583 007

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Infrastructure element location

CCHAPT – Building A, ground floor

Features and performance

The Telsonic Ultrasonics DG2000 cavitation erosion test stand is an equipment designated for cavitation erosion tests under laboratory conditions, according to ASTM G32.


The cavitation erosion test stand is composed of:

  • the electronic ultrasound generator Telsonic DG-2000;
  • the oscillations generating system;
  • vessel for cavitating liquid with cooling system;
  • digital temperature monitoring system;
  • analytical balance with five decimal places per gram 

The electronic ultrasound generator has a generated power between 400W and 2000W. The generator can work in the power mode of operation (the generated power is constant, the amplitude can be variable), or the amplitude mode of operation (the amplitude is constant, the power is variable, so as to ensure the desired amplitude). For cavitational erosion tests, work is done in amplitude mode, at A=50 μm.

The working frequency is 20±0.5 KHz. When leaving the frequency field (19.5 kHz – 20.5 kHz), the protection of the generator is activated, its operation being stopped. This aspect is very important in the vibratory method with sample attached to the sonotrode (direct method), because the frequency tuning is done for the entire system: generator – piezoelectric transducer – acoustic transformer – sonotrode – sample. The resonance frequency of the subsystem piezoelectric transducer – acoustic transformer – sonotrode – sample depends on the dimensions and mass of the components, but also on the presence of discontinuities in the oscillation transmission chain (material defects, incorrect connections). If testing samples of significantly different density, different sonotrodes should be used. The sonotrode used in the testing of steels allows a field of tolerance on the mass of the specimen of 3 g.


The qualified CCHAPT personnel can perform, upon request, cavitation erosion tests, both for UBB employees and for third parties, based on prior appointment (by phone or E-mail) at:

Lecturer Dr. Eng. Costel-Relu Ciubotariu

Phone: (0722) 367 358

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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The charged rates take into account the material and personnel expenses related to the requested determinations.

Hours of operation


From Monday to Friday, between 8:00 and 16:00, excluding holidays

Areas of use

The Telsonic Ultrasonics DG2000 cavitation erosion test stand allows evaluations regarding the behavior of materials subjected to cavitation erosion. Cavitational erosion is an effect of cavitation and can cause damage or destruction of mechanical components. The phenomenon appears in hydraulic turbine components, pumps, ship propellers etc.

Laboratory testing of cavitational erosion behavior allows the identification of materials/coatings with high resistance to cavitational erosion or the identification of technological optimizations that increase resistance to cavitational erosion.

Involvement of the equipment in teaching activities

The cavitation erosion test stand is used to support:

  • activities for the completion of studies at the undergraduate and master's cycles;
  • doctoral research activities.

Specialist personnel (name and status of operator)

Lecturer Dr. Eng. Costel-Relu Ciubotariu

Phone: (0722) 367 358

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

              This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.